Список акронимов (сокращений) VMware
AAM | Automated Availability Manager (aka VMware HA since v 4.1) |
ADM | Application Discover Manager |
ALUA | Asymmetric Logical Unit Access |
APD | All Paths Down |
APM | Application Performance Manager |
CBM | Chargeback Manager |
CBRC | Content Based Read Cache |
CF | Cloud Foundry |
CIM | Common Interface Model (standard acronym) |
CIQ | Capacity IQ (now integrated in Operation Manager Suite) |
CSI | Clustering Services Infrastructure |
DAS | Distributed Availability Service (VMware HA advanced options) |
DD | Data Director |
DPM | Distributed Power Management |
DRS | Distributed Resources Scheduler |
DVS | Distributed Virtual Switch |
ESX | Elastic Sky X |
ESXi | Elastic Sky X Integrated |
EUC | End User Computing |
EVC | Enhanced vMotion Compatibility |
FDM | Fault Domain Manager (aka VMware HA from v 5.0) |
FT | Fault Tolerance (VMware FT) |
GFE | GemFire Enterprise |
GSX | Ground Storm X or Ground Swell X (aka the VMware Server) |
HA | High Availability |
HCL | Hardware Compatibility List |
HoL | Hands-on Labs |
IODM | I/O Device Management |
MVP | Mobile Virtualization Platform (aka Horizon Mobile) |
NEE | Next-Generation Education Environment (Project Nee is used actually for the HoL) |
N(ET)IOC | Network I/O Control |
NSX | Network Sky X? |
P2V | Physical to Virtual |
PAE | Propero Application Environment |
PDL | Permanent Device Loss |
PSO | Professional Services Organisation |
S2 | SpringSource |
SDDC | Software Defined Data Center |
SDRS | Storage Distributed Resource Scheduling |
SI | Spring Integration |
SIOC | Storage I/O Control |
SM | Service Manager |
SQLF | SQLFire |
SRM | Site Recovery Manager |
STS | SpringSource Tool Suite |
V2V | Virtual to Virtual |
VAAI | vStorage API for Array Integration |
VADM | vCenter Application Discovery Manager |
VCAC | vCloud Automation Center |
VCAP | VMware Certified Advanced Professional |
VCAT | vCloud Architecture Toolkit |
VCD | vCloud Director |
VCDX | VMware Certified Design Expert |
vCHS | vCloud Hybrid Service |
VCLI | vSphere Command Line Interface |
VCM | vCenter Configuration Manager |
VCO | vCenter Orchestrator |
VCOPS | vCenter Operations |
VCP | VMware Certified Professional |
vCSA | vCenter Server Appliance |
VCSN | vCloud Security and Networking |
VDC | Virtual Data Center |
VDP | vSphere Data Protection |
VDR | VMware Data Recovery |
VDS | vNetwork Distributed Switch |
VIM | Virtual Infrastructure Management |
VIN | vCenter Infrastructure Navigator |
VIX | Virtual Infrastructure eXtension |
vMA | vSphere Management Assistant |
VMFS | Virtual Machine File System |
VMRC | VMware Remote Console |
VMS | vFabric Management Service |
VMSA | VMware Security Advisory |
VMTN | VMware Technology Network |
VMX | Virtual Machine eXecutable (used in the VM config file) |
VPX | Virtual Provisioning X (aka the vCenter Server) |
VPXA | Virtual Provisioning X Agent |
VPXD | Virtual Provisioning X Daemon |
VR | vSphere Replication |
VRM | vCloud Request Manager |
VSA | vSphere Storage Appliance |
VSAN | vSphere Storage Area Network? |
VSM | VMware Service Manager |
VSP | VMware Sales Professional |
vswif | Virtual Switch Interface (used in the old ESX server as a management network interface) |
VTSP | VMware Technical Sales Professional |
VUM | vCenter Update Manager |
VXLAN | Virtual Extensible Local Area Network |